Tuesday 27 October 2015

Vodcast 1: Idents

In this Vodcast i talk about both the Idents and Text used in 5 zombie movies and what they represent.

Out of these 5 zombie movies only one movie has an audio bridge when the idents appear, you can hear a steady heart beat throughout the idents in World War Z. In the other movies they seem to have the idents main sound such as Columbia haven't changed the sound or color scheme to fit the move like Warner Bros might have done. The idents for Dead Rising dont appear for very long unlike Paramount that lasts for 18 seconds Crackle only lasts for 4 seconds. This may have something to do with the budget and the popularity of the company's.

The movies also have on average about 2 idents before the movie starts. This will affect the amount of idents I have as well as the choice of if Ill have an audio bridge, or have tweaked my idents to fit the genre. Looking at this i will most likely have 2 Idents with no audio bridge and not be a long length as my movie will be a low budget.


  1. Videos should always be embedded Kristian. Other settings we can look at when I'm over - the black background will cause issues, and comments should be set to be 'moderated' too! You should have it set up to get an email alert for any comments

  2. make sure you (1) present these in 3 separate posts (2) give a brief text summary BEFORE (above) the video
    Adjust the vodcast links list (the current link for this is also broken!)

  3. *The idents vodcast is more about titles than idents! This needs some additional text to make it absolutely clear what your conclusions are about idents (how many, how long, use of audio bridge). Also, by re-editing or by adding detail to the titles post (2+ complete lists of opening titles from the films selected) you can clearly evidence titles research [but need to apply this in your film!]*

  4. on narrative, again a text summary will help - but you can add fresh points that specifically address how Propp (character types), Todorov (equilibrium etc), Levi-Strauss (binary opposites) and Barthes (narrative enigma - you mention a woman as mystery but don't use the term) are reflected


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