Thursday 28 January 2016

Voice Over Draft #1

This is a draft of the voice over that will be playing  through the opening scene. I constructed the voice over with research of movies such as "Zombieland" and used intertextuality from other zombie texts.

Zs, Zombies, Walker, Infected whatever you want to call them, their real. I’ve been walking among the Living dead now for about 2 years. Everyone I know is dead and I’ve learned to survive on my own.

People are still alive, there are settlements, or safe havens like I call them, scattered around mostly in rural areas, like forests and land roads. It’s a place to trade for ammo or food. The currency used is battery’s, well here in America at least, I don’t know what they use in Canada, or the rest of the world.

You go on one holiday around the world and all hell breaks loss.

Luckily winter is almost over but I better get back on the road if I want to make it to the north west of Canada before next winter.

1 comment:

  1. be clear on how this APPLIES your research!
    Paste it in a 2nd time, highlighting any links to research/knowledge


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